Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

It is going to be a wonderful 2009 with the Eastside Church of Christ Children's Ministry! Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mitten Tree, Canned Goods, and Teachers!

Reminder from Kristi:

Don't forget about the mitten tree in the foyer. Please bring mittens, gloves, scarves, and hats. We will also be collecting gently used blankets for the crisis center.

We also need canned goods. Please bring your canned goods to Journey Land and get 2 Bible Bucks per can. We will stop collecting for the mitten tree and the canned goods at the end of the month. We sure could use as many of the items as we can get.

When doing your holiday shopping, please remember clearance items for the Bible Bucks Store. The things do not have to be expensive. Some helpful hints are gift cards, crayons, markers, and coloring books, stuffed animals, candy, etc.

Kristi desperately needs volunteers to teach on Sunday and Wednesday nights. If nobody signs up then Kristi will be calling.

Be on the lookout for the young adults Christmas party!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's Christmas Time!

Anyone that can help decorate the float for the Christmas parade please join us after school on Thursday December 4th. We should finish in about an hour if we have enough help. Our boot will be arriving tonight (Wednesday). A special thanks to Paul Cook who drove to Abilene to pick up a 10 foot boot for the float's centerpiece! Our float is called "Our Boot Runneth Over". We had so much fun decorating on Sunday and we hope that everyone can join us again on Thursday. The parade begins at 7:00 on Thursday evening. Please be at the float between 6 and 6:30. See Kristi for more details. We also need candy for the kids to throw.

Our Christmas lunch is this Sunday and we will have our special visitor! Parents don't forget to bring those gifts. Kristi needs as much help as possible to decorate. She will be in and out on Friday and Saturday she will be there starting at 10:00 a.m. What a fun time of year! We hope to see everyone at these events!